All Dorset Hospitality Hash House Harriers
ADH4 Gene
The alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) family constitutes one of the key sets of enzymes responsible for the oxidation of alcohol.
The ADH4 gene, an important member of this family, is a functional and positional candidate for alcohol dependence.
European Americans, with the gene, have a heightened propensity to alcohol dependence & drug abuse.
These are the results from clinical HWD Tests & Case Control Association Studies.
ADH4: Probably the most apt name for hashers worldwide!
Personal Risk Assessment & Mitigation
You do take part at your own risk & that includes any pets that accompany you.
If there is any doubt as to your dog's behaviour, then please keep it on a lead.
​Running, walking & socialising in the open air is as safe as it gets.
Keeping fit is a good way to de-stress - it releases the happy hormones!
Being fit can minimise the impact of any infection: be it cold, flu or the coronavirus. All infections though, are contagious. Wear a face mask &/or latex gloves if you feel safer doing so - go on, give us a laugh!
Livestock & Wildlife Health Status and Hashing
Please respect the countryside, livestock & wildlife alike.
Leave only footprints, take only pictures.
Enjoy yourself: take pleasure in the countryside & the views.